Re: NANFA-L-- Fish diversity

Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Fish diversity
From: Irate Mormon (
Date: Tue Dec 21 2004 - 21:11:38 CST

Quoting James Smith <>:

> When I found out there a north american fish list I was like,
> "Cool, Darters, Pupfish, Goodeids, and Cichlids". That doesn't seem to
> be the case though

Well, it's supposed to be, but when the weather isn't particularly favorable for
collecting, my attention tends to wander towards political stuff which always
gets me in trouble. My whole problem was, last year I went collecting ONCE (I
think) - this "working" for a living is getting old. This Spring is gonna be
different. I did scout out some good group sites for the Pacagoula fish camp
I've been trying to set up for a couple of years.

"He told me if I would do this, he would buy me a car. Well, to be honest with
you, I would have drank a bucket of buzzard puke to get a car." - Hartley Peavey
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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:42:02 CST