Re: NANFA-- Wanted: A few mussel shells

Jeremy Tiemann (
Mon, 7 Apr 2003 07:54:59 -0500

For those of you interested, a really good group for freshwater
mussels is the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society:

Check it out, read about it, and join. The meetings are a hoot and
very informative, and the group has many of the same beliefs and
concepts as NANFA. If you have any questions about FMCS, you can ask
me, and I will try and track down an answer.


>Hi all,
>I am thinking of decorating one of my tanks (which is
>supossed to represent a river eco-system) with some
>mussel shells.
>Is there anyone out there who comes across mussel shells
>(in good condition) and can mail some to me? I'd like
>half a dozen of the larger mussel shells and a couple
>of the smaller shells.
>As usual, I will pay for shipping and a reasonable
>amount for the shells.
>Thank you,
>Sajjad Lateef

Jeremy Tiemann
Illinois Natural History Survey
Center for Biodiversity
607 E. Peabody Dr.
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: (217) 244-4594
Fax: (217) 333-4949
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