Re: NANFA-- easy identification??

Michael Wolfe (
Wed, 9 Apr 2003 21:10:35 -0400

Thanks Guys, that's just the kind of explanation I knew I would get from
NANFAns... I knew that these were out of the range of the "true greenheads"
but they match the description so well... especially the part about white
fins... which I did not see in any description of the yellow fin... and the
fact that their bodies do not turn all red as was described for the yellow
fins. I was unaware that the yellow fins varied so much. Is there
anywhere that I could get more information on the systematics of these
species? I would be very interested since these came from right around


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dustin Smith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- easy identification??

> Steven is correct, Michael. There is work being done currently
> splitting the yellowfin/greenhead complex into a few more species. The
> from GA with red fins, the ones from western SC with yellow fins and the
> ones from north-central SC with nearly colorless fins(possibly to be
> the piedmont shiner) may all be distinct species in addition to the
> greenheads. I believe what you have are one of the yellowfin complex.
> are not within range of the true greenheads. Dustin
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: Rose Lawn Museum <>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- easy identification??
> Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 08:25:39 -0400
> Hey Michael
> They definitely look like yellowfin shiners. About the time you were
> back to GA we briefly pursued a thread on the list about 'em. They display
> amazing variations throughout their range. The ones I catch in GA usually
> have red or orange fins. Chip & I have caught them in SC in streams where
> we found some showing yellow fins and others orange fins in the same net
> load. In NC, they sometimes have white fins. All this has caused some
> to speculate that what is called Notropis lutipinnis may actually be more
> than one species (specie?). Fritz Rohde may be able to shed more light on
> it.
> Steven A. Ellis
> Kennesaw, GA
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