Re: NANFA-- More on convention: F. olivaceus & F. notatus

Bruce Stallsmith (
Sun, 27 Aug 2000 13:16:41 EDT

Hi Bob,
With the notatus/olivaceus complex, really the only distinguishing trait is
whether or not they're spotted above the black band. Breeding males have
slightly different banding patterns and color in their fins, but those seem
to be pretty subtle differences. Even the spotting is subtle, as I've
mentioned. By putting a Mississippi olivaceus in the same tank as an Alabama
notatus the difference is apparent. I think you did the same thing by
comparing Michigan notatus to your MS olivaceus. And just to complicate
things, the species can usually interbreed and produce apparently viable
hybrids from what I've read.
My experience is that both species make good aquarium fish, being
well-behaved and taking food items from the surface.

--Bruce Stallsmith

>Subject: Re: NANFA-- More on convention: F. olivaceus & F. notatus
>Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 22:14:59 EDT
>I have some fish from BG collecting trip. They have a heavy spotted pattern
>above the black stripe and the stripe goes into the tail fin. The black
>stripe on the males is almost as smooth as the females. I'm only familiar
>with F. notatus from Michigan they only have spots in their fins here. I
>collected some notatus today and they look different. I believe what I have
>is olivaceus is their any good field marks?
>Bob Muller

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