Re: NANFA-- Fish-Watching (was WHAT IS NFC)
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 18:28:58 EST

In a message dated 12/22/00 5:37:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< Fisheries experts! How do you quantify your effort? >>

When we're snorkeling and monitoring fish, we use a measurement we refer to
as fish-per-person-hour. If we have four of us working for 15 minutes in a
particular pool....that would be equilivant to one person-hour. If we saw six
of the target fish, that would give us a number of six per person-hour. This
doesn't give us a number of fish in that pool, rather, it gives us an index
number we can compair from one year to the next...or from one season to


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