Re: NANFA-- I did know this
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 19:57:07 EST

In a message dated 12/15/00 11:54:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< I certainly _don't_ want to spend the next 4 years complaining
even though I'm prepared to.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL >>
Well I hope to be here and enjoy listening to you for the next 4 years.
However, for me I know it is my choice to complain or to be happy. I am NOT
prepared to complain even for one day. although sometimes I do feel the pain
of a complaint within me and I express it. this is healing to express my
inner feelings as long as I know it is about me and NOT anything external to
myself, like a president. Whenever I complain it is ALWAYS ABOUT ME. Of
course I try to project the problem outside of myself onto another person.
but the problem is always inside of me and the problem is NEVER a person
outside of me. Because the problem is me and NOT the President. when I come
to forgive and love the president, I will automatically have forgiven myself
and come to love myself.

All complaints I have about a person outside of myself is the block to my
loving myself. when I forgive and love him I will really love myself.

Love Nanfa and Everyone who is a member including YOU
for there is really only ONEness and you and I are ONE. there is no you
separate from me. Our native american indians tried to teach us this but we
chose to be prepared to complain for the next 200+ years. hehe.

George Arndt
harvard, mass

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