Re: NANFA-- live foods

Klaus Schoening (
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 22:48:26 -0800

I have hesitated answering this question Ken because I wasnt sure if you
meant live food starter cultures, life food in bulk or live food for newborn
fry. is an excellent place to obtain brine shrimp eggs
at a reasonable price. They are currently selling Tibetan and Chinese eggs
as well as the salt lake variety and the san francisco variety. All of
these may be too large for some fry to consume. They also offer algae
pastes which you can feed to your daphnia and brineshrimp cultures directly.
I have kept brine shrimp, daphnia magna, affinis pulex, ceriodaphnia dubai
and moina species going using this product. The Nanochloropsis is suitable
for both fresh and salt water, the other unicellular algaes offered are
suitable for brineshrimp and saline rotifers. I recomment this place
heartily for their service and products.

Reed Mariculture, who is the producer of the brineshrimp will be introducing
live feeds in 2001 shipped in kordon breathable bags. They will have
rotifers, copepods and mysid shrimps. They also have a website accessible
from brineshrimpdirect.

If you want live food cultures and algae cultures I recomment who will sell you daphnia, rotifers, live
brineshrimp, bbs eggs, unicellular algae cultures to feed your daphnia,
rotifers or brineshrimp at a reasonable price. Starter cultures can usually
be obtained for $5 instead of the usual 10 he has listed. Those of you who
asked about fathead culture, Paul Sachs also raises fatheads for toxicity
testing for a living. Check out his site...he has a lot of information on
how to culture all these things.... and if I may plug would be very
interesting if you would consider him as a speaker for one of the upcoming
nanfa shows. has the biggest list of starter cultures to be
found on the net ... I have ordered from him and been very satisfied with
the results.

For life foods in bulk I have another site....
Barry has a beautiful looking site and offers glassworms and gammarus and
other small live foods.

I have other sites that offer these feeds.... if there is enough interest I
will post a few more of the sites....but these are the ones I use or find
most interesting.


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