Re: NANFA-- School teacher needs help

Bruce Stallsmith (
Sun, 01 Dec 2002 10:48:41 -0500

Well, I'm glad you're taking an out-front position on teaching evolution. At
least you're not in Cobb County, GA, which has resorted to the stickering of
biology textbooks with the hooey about "evolution is only a theory". The
covalent bond in chemistry is "only a theory" too, why not attack that?

Anyway, I think that striped shiners are a very adaptable species. They can
probably do well at constant temps in the upper 70s F. They're aggressive
feeders, but not aggressive in the territorial sense. I have a few in tanks
at the moment, but they're all relatively large. I think I could track down
smaller ones at a local creek. Also, if you're looking for killifish, there
should be some local species that could work. Fundulus lineolatus and F.
chrysotus should both be somewhere close to you, although it might be easier
to catch them with a seine net or minnow trap rather than a dipnet.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>From: m c <>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-- School teacher needs help
>Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 21:27:06 -0800 (PST)
> >Hi Michael, you have an admirably ambitious plan
>Thank you, but no. Ambitious would be for me to try
>any other method. I have no education training.
>Also, even though I grew up in this area, I have
>apparently little in common with the populace. I was
>the nerd who didn't like football and who didn't
>socialize because I didn't see the point of driving
>around the courthouse square with pickup trucks on
>Saturday night, or mud boggen'. Years of speach
>theropy to fix a speach impediment left me with a
>Yankee accent. And to top it off, I was raised in the
>pentacostel church, and now I'm going to be the town
>evolution teacher. So instead of approching the
>studnets from their world, I'm going to submerse them
>in mine.
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