RE: NANFA-- Required Reading for SC Convention

Mark (
Fri, 5 Dec 2003 15:01:33 -0500

As a public service to the listizens:

Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware
by Fred C. Rhode, Rudolf G. Arndt, David G. Lindquist and James F.
Parnell, 1994. This book contains information on how to identify some
260 species of freshwater fish, from the largemouth bass to the
rosyside dace. Over 200 color photographs, range maps, and detailed
description of each species. 222 pp. Paperback. Dimensions (in
inches): 0.80 x 9.17 x 6.10. ISBN: 0-8078-4579-5 $22.50
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