Re: NANFA-- Noturus toxicity, etc.
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 15:14:52 EST

In a message dated 12/11/99 8:05:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< took the time to
re-read Birkhead (1972. Toxicity of stings of ariid and ictalurid catfishes.
Copeia 1972:790-807). This dude injected venom extracts from several species
of catfish into Gambusia to examine effects. Noturis exilis and Ameiurus
melas were usually lethal to the Gambusia within 24h. Ameiurus natalis,
Noturus gyrinus, N. nocturnis, N. flavus, and N. placidus were relatively
toxic; Ictalurus punctatus, A. nebulosus, and N. albater less so, and
Noturus leptacanthus and Pylodictis were not considered toxic. For a whole
host of reasons I won't bore everybody with here, the study is faulted >>

I always thought that only Noturus catfishes had venomous spines and that the
only thing about other Ictalurid catfishes' spines that could hurt you was
the pricking action. Is this one of the things you were referring to when you
mentioned that the study was faulted ?

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