Re: NANFA-- Collecting in Ohio-Mudminnows?

R. W. Wolff (
Wed, 25 Feb 2004 00:40:30 -0600

Awww, just pass up both of those mudminnow spots. Come to the marsh in
Wisconsin, where the sticklebacks eat mudminnows when they are Ohio sized.
And the mudminnows here eat the sticklebacks, after fighting northern pike
for them.

Just goofing around, but I couldn't resist. A typical mudminnow/stickleback
biotope here includes iowa darters, northern redbelly dace, and tadpole
madtoms. An interesting aquarium could be set up. Several other species too,
but those five can be found in the tiniest ditches, ponds in the middle of
the woods you wonder how they got there etc. Some of the first fish I netted
in the ditches along the highway by my house growing up were central
mudminnows and brook sticklebacks.

I still keep mudminnows, they are just too cool. I gave up on those picky
sticklebacks though.

Ray W.
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