Re: NANFA-- Speckled chub

Dave Neely (
Sun, 02 Jan 2000 10:42:28 CST


>First of all, the scientific name is reported as _Machrybopsis
>aestivalis_ in "Fishes of Alabama" (1996), and _Extrarius aestivalis_ in
>Page & Burr's "Freshwater Fishes" field guide (1991). I would assume that
>the 1996 name is more accurate? I also understand that Carter Gilbert in
>Florida is redescribing one existing species
>into 2 or more new ones.

The form in the Ohio River system, including the Tennessee River, is going
to be recognized as a valid species. The name "hyostoma" is available for
this form. There are two forms in the Mobile Basin, one widespread above the
Fall Line, the other widespread below. They are sympatric in the Cahaba and
some other areas. There's another species that occupies Gulf drainages from
the Escambia eastward. Carter should be finishing this stuff up soon- David
Eisenhower has been working it as well. There's many other spp in this
complex out W of the Mississippi, as well.

The '91 name change was based on an analysis that showed that the aestivalis
complex was basal within a clade of other stuff, and did not identify a
monophyletic Macrhybopsis. Subsequent analyses, which included more taxa,
did resolve Macrhybopsis as a monophyletic group, of which "aestivalis" is a

>Secondly, has anyone kept this species (or member of this species group)?
>Mine is still freaked out in a 10 gal. tank, but that should pass.

Yeah- if you have a riffle tank w/ sand or pea-gravel substrate they do
pretty well. Incidentally, it's also a good way to keep Ammocrypta.
That close to the mainstem Tennessee, I'm not surprised you found them.

So what was your other fish?


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