NANFA-- FW feather dusters and other inverts
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 17:18:36 EST

Thanks a lot for the FW polychaetes of NA, Jan ! Not to mention the stuff on
hellgrammites and bloodworms! It really gave me a good overview on feather
duster worm species in NA and their differences. The hellgrammite info made
me want to attempt to keep one of these creatures sometime. I've been
interested in them for some time now. Can't wait to get those NA invert books
you mentioned!
I was particularly thrilled by the statement that "It is very probable that
there are many more species present and that our lack of knowledge is due to
their small size andto the scarcity of collections made with polychaetes in
mind as well as the scarcity of specialists willing to work with them". This
of course makes me wonder how many more species there are on this continent
or for that matter in this state and the surrounding Great Lakes.For all I
know there could be a new species in the creek down the road from me.Guess
I'll have to start sampling after the winter's over!

I think that I would like to obtain one to keep with a similarly-sized or
smaller crayfish when I get a tank set up for them in the spring or summer. I
used to think that keeping any insect with crayfish would be bad under any
circumstances but as long as the crayfish wasn't bigger I think that
hellgrammites at least

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