Re: NANFA-- pretty schweet.

Jay DeLong (
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:38:15 -0800

>So I'm looking at all the Delorme maps and topo software and neato books that
>I could use to find prime gradient streams in Ohio and Michigan, when I notice
>this book called "Canoeing and Kayaking Ohio's Streams: An Access Guide for
>Paddlers and Anglers". Access Guide?!?!

There's a similar book for my area called Paddle Routes of Western
Washington: 50 Flatwater Trips for Canoe and Kayak. The routes are well
described, including potential hazards.

>It also got me thinking about float trips... Has anyone ever sampled rivers
>via canoes before? That would be a great day out, I'm thinking.

Sampling can be more than collecting. Canoes and kayaks can be great ways
to snorkel-float a river. Just have a vehicle downstream so you don't have
to worry about paddling back upstream at the end of the day. You can keep
food and other goodies high and dry on the boat while you float face down
and watch the underwater world. Stop when you want to stop. Keep the boat
with you by holding to an attached rope if you think it's necessary, and
float leisurely downstream with it. Well, hopefully leisurely-- to be safe
look up now and then to see if you're approaching dangerous conditions.

Here are some photos from a float trip I went on a few years
back: . It was
a memorable day and I didn't collect a single fish!

Jay DeLong
Olympia, WA
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