Re: NANFA-- Ohio/Indiana line streams

Todd Crail (
Sun, 26 Jan 2003 11:52:56 -0500

I'm game. I've been wanting to get back down there and see what all those
lil' fishies were at Hueston Woods anyway. Fossil hunting is always a bonus
too :)

This might make for a nice get together too, with good camping so close. I
know Sarah would be into this too.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 10:54 AM
Subject: NANFA-- Ohio/Indiana line streams

> I was contacted by outdoor writer Craig Springer. He apparently did a web
> search and turned up one of my posts on sampling Brandywine Creek. The
one I
> collected was in Hancock County, just east of Indianapolis; the one he
> really interested in is on the Ohio/Indiana state line. Based on other
> conversations I had with Craig, I think he may also be interested in the
> history of the areas.
> Below was what he sent. I will forward to Craig. They changed my sales
> territory and I now cover some of this area, so I hope to do some evening
> collecting there once the ice breaks up!
> Chuck Church
> Indianapolis, Indiana USA
> << If you could post a message at NANFA, I'd be oblidged. I'm interested
> collections and early observations of Brandywine Creek, Tent Branch,
> Charlottesville Creek, City Branch, and Indian Creek, all near West
> Corner, IN, and College Corner, OH. These streams in IN are near the
> Franklin-Union County line.
> Thanks,
> CS >>

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