Re: NANFA-- "Ugliest fish in North America"

Ty Hall (
Mon, 05 Jan 2004 13:39:31 -0600

The problem is that the "Reasonable Lump In The Middle" is not as passionate as
the fringe lunatics. It's hard to get pumped up about something that seems
completely logical. Know what I mean? It's hard to take a vehement stand when you
understand both sides of the argument. "Let's find a happy medium" is not an
effective battle cry. The extremists will always be louder. We simply have to out
vote them.


Todd Crail wrote:

> I guess the massive and _reasonable_ lump in the middle just need to get as
> fiesty and loud as the outer fringes.. Quite oxymoronic, but I just can't
> stand the logical fallacies on either side of the coin any more :)
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