Re: NANFA-- "Ugliest fish in North America"

Steffen Hellner (
Thu, 08 Jan 2004 11:55:54 +0100


thank you, I am positve about the perspective to work with kids. Sometimes
when I think about it I get a "goose-skin" because I love kids and their
open minded interest. Just the setup has to be done and the program
coordinated with the department.

It is planned to have classes coming to my house, seeing the different types
of salamanders and newts and being given a brief lecture on them. And to
give them the opportunity to have these critters in their hands to make them
feel them and feel comfortable when encountering them in nature. And of
course raise their rewspect and interest in these animals and their biology.

> I may not be the best for follow up on the kids right now... I've just
> working with them. But perhaps you were thinking in the future once you
> were settled into your house. By then I should have some experience ;)
I4ll come to you on that then, you bet!;-)

> If you would like other's accounts, there's a pile of folks who've worked
> with / work with kids within NANFA. Rob Denkhaus and Jan Hoover are two
> that come to mind quickly. I'm sure they'd be glad to give you the input
> you're looking for, regardless of wether or not I can provide any help.
I will be glad to learn from their experience. This type of work is not
really common here at all. Some Zoos and private parks (birds of prey in
particular) offer this but not on amphibians to my knowledge. That may be
the reason why the department of environment has come up with this attempt
to me when I applied for a license to monitor and collect the near-my-house
population of fire salamanders which is threatened by degradiation of
reproduction habitat.

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