RE: NANFA-- a lil' help from my friends....

Nick Zarlinga (
Wed, 21 Jan 2004 15:03:03 -0500

Good idea but too much of a pain in the behind. Plus, one is stationary on
a two inch tap line and the second is on a 1 1/2 inch fire hose. Not easy
to do. That is why we opted for the salt treatment.

Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485

><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From:
><)> On Behalf
><)> Of Sajjad Lateef
><)> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 11:01 AM
><)> To:
><)> Subject: Re: NANFA-- a lil' help from my friends....
><)> --- Nick Zarlinga <> wrote:
><)> > Actually, we
><)> > thought we would go one better and put two flow
><)> meters in line so
><)> > that we
><)> > had a backup to verify our results. Well,
><)> unfortunately, the two
><)> > flow meters read vastly different amounts.
><)> Alternate solution:
><)> If you have those flow meters, then transfer a measured
><)> qty of water through them again, note measurments.
><)> Repeat an
><)> odd number of times (5+) with increasing known qty
><)> of water.
><)> Plot your numbers, extrapolate the curves (which should be
><)> more or less linear), and a little bit of spreadsheet magic
><)> and there you go ...
><)> I don't know if this is practical or not. I can
><)> help you with
><)> the number crunching, if needed.
><)> Sajjad
><)> =====
><)> --
><)> Sajjad Lateef e-mail:
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><)> without a subject line is automatically filtered out
><)> and discarded as s p a m .
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