Re: NANFA-- snakeheads

tony (
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 00:55:32 +0700

In rivers and resevoirs in China there is a cyprinid Elopichthys bambusa that is a fish eater attaining 1.5 meters and 52 kg...
and quite a few friends that are not as big but still big eg. Luciocyprinus species. But the most dangerous enemy of snakehead is
a kind of predator whose population exceed 1 billion individuals in the area...yummy.


Paul Cezanne wrote:

> My wife forward this to me, this fish is being discussed on all sorts of email lists but this comment was too good to pass up.
> >What I find remarkable about the Fearsome Ravenous Walking Fish is that the
> >sole reason (no pun intended) for their destructiveness is that they're
> >non-native.
> >
> >Without predators, they devour other fish.
> >
> >SO... where these fish came from, not only is their behavior normal, but
> >predation keeps their numbers in check.
> >
> >Which means... China has fish that are EVEN MEANER THAN THESE ONES.
> >
> >Okay, that seals it: no swimming in China for me, ever.
> --
> pZ -- Paul Cezanne
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