Re: NANFA-- Newbie Question - Slenderhead Darters
Fri, 16 Jun 2000 16:57:39 EDT


If you can put them in a small glass tank (2-3 gallon) and look up theu the
bottom the males should have a row of modified scale on their mid line. I did
this with my Dusky Darters and it was easy to see. With my Slenderheads I
couldn't see anything and all I've gotten is infertile eggs, all females?
Give the box of gravel a try thats what I use. The Dusky Darters spawned in a
10 gallon riffle tank, but I spawned 4 male Fantails in a 15 gallon. If they
spawn use lots of green water with the fry.

Good Luck
Bob Muller

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