NANFA-- first time collecting

Paul Cezanne (
Sat, 29 Jun 2002 23:03:22 -0400

I took the kids out to a local pond to try and catch some pumpkinseeds today. There were plenty of fish, I couldn't tell if they were pumpkinseeds or not, but I was unable to catch any. I didn't think I could, the nets I borrowed were only about 9 inch triangle with pretty fine netting, you couldn't get any speed up through the water at all. The fish were much faster.

I almost got one by putting some rocks in the net and laying the net on top of one of the numerous nests. The fish guarding/building the nest was almost tricked by this.

And of course I did almost fall in!

So we went swiming with a promise to come back with better equipment someday!

pZ -- Paul Cezanne
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