Re: NANFA-- Ranger Bob's FishCamperee

Robert Carillio (
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 01:10:55 -0500

Casper, if we had a commercial on tv about how wonderful native fish outings
can be, I'd make you the writer, and the narrator! :-)

Rob C.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 6:30 PM
Subject: NANFA-- Ranger Bob's FishCamperee

> hi everyone...
> i want to urge everyone who can to try to attend Ranger Bob's gathering at
> the NE corner of Tennessee in Kingsport. He has really organized an
> opportunity for us to explore another region and a tour of the
> at the Kingsport City Nature Center. He has established several large
> there that are filled with native fish and other local critters. Then we
> a great place to stay on an old family homestead right next to a mountain
> stream. Campfire, fish stories and maybe we can catch a catfish or two for
> the grill. What more could we ask for! im very excited and hope to see a
> of you there. I think it will be one of the best opportunities of the
> The Ranger has attended just about every NANFA convention since i first
> him at the Chattanooga gathering in 1998. I am very pleased he has taken
> time and effort to provide us with a really cool trip. I hope to see a
> of you there!
> Clear mountain water, friends and new fish are urging me north!
> Casper

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