Re: NANFA-- Catching Northern Studfish

Al G Eaton (
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 15:28:17 -0700 (PDT)

Well, it depends on how you are fishing for them and
what the stream looks like. Before I get into that I
want to let you know that you can catch catenatus on
rod and reel using nightcrawlers longer than they are.
I caught several males in missouri just that way.

If you are using a dipnet then you need the right
situation. Of course catenatus will flee on sight.
So what you need to do is herd them into a puddle that
is closed at one end. They will head up the puddle
and then in mass will decide they want to go the other
way and will take off like a bat out of hell fleeing
between your legs the bank and the net. If you have
closed off enough of their escape route you can usuall
catch a half dozen adults that way. only
get one chance ...though if you wait an hour or two
you can try it again. If you have a seining partner
try seining the deeper puddles and go as deep as you
can go and then into the bank and raise the seine
quickly. Once again you only get one try at them in
any given puddle as they tend to bury themselves or
flee out of sight. I've caught catenatus this way in
Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee and Alabama.

--- Rick Phillips <> wrote:
> Been trying to catch these guys for a long time
> (Fundulus catenatus). I've
> caught little juv. fish with a dip net (probabably
> the best to start with in
> the aquarium anyway) , but have never been able to
> sneak up on a big male.
> What's the best method of catching these quick
> rascals?
> Rick Phillips
> Kingsport, Tennessee
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