Re: NANFA-- message for KLAUS

Al G Eaton (
Fri, 25 Jun 2004 09:33:38 -0700 (PDT)

I guess this is a heads up to anyone on the list who
sends email to my earthlink account. If you arent in
my address book, it gets sent to a possible spam
account. I try to go through it once a day, if I find
any messages from someone on NANFA, then I will add
you to my address book and any future message comes
through without that annoying message, and go directly
to my account. Sorry for the confusion, but it does
keep spam out of my regular email. Thank you for the
message Laura, the explanations of Carolina Bays and a
seedbank were very much appreciated.

--- Laura Burbage <> wrote:
> Klaus,
> I tried to respond to your e-mail, but apparently my
> messages are getting sent to your spam folder. Can
> you see if my message is there? If not, I can
> resend
> if you put my name on your preferred list.
> -Laura
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