Terri Vance (
Thu, 13 Mar 2003 19:50:55 -0500

I'm forwarding this from Nancy Johnson, Ways & Means chair of the Potomac
Valley Aquarium Society, regarding the Open House that NANFAn Bob Bock
will be speaking at Saturday, the 15th: Don't forget about the joint
NANFA/PVAS/Chesapeake Area Killifish Club (CAKC) meeting this Saturday in
Gaithersburg. It will be a wonderful social--from 1-6 p.m. so lots of
time to talk with other fish nuts! Bring your family and kids if you'd
like. We are expecting a good crowd with members from CAKC, PVAS and
NANFA and a great speaker (past NANFA President Bob Bock on natives). I
expect we'll have a fantastic mini-auction with fish of many species
including some spectacular natives and killies. I plan to bring some
apistos so I can refill my tanks with some of those incredibly colorful
natives--and unplug some heaters! CAKC splits auction sales 75/25.
However, at this meeting the club's auction proceeds will be donated to
NANFA, which is in dire need of funding (sellers will still get their 75
percent). It's going to a very good cause--NANFA is one of the few
organizations working to raise awareness of how most of our freshwater
ecosystems are being destroyed by pollution [editor's note: & habitat
destruction] -- along with all the wildlife that live in these rivers,
streams and ponds. How can you help NANFA?

* Bring regular auction items.

* Donate items to the auction so 100 percent of the price goes to NANFA

* Join NANFA

* Buy raffle tickets at the meeting

PVAS also will hold it's usual door prize, and raffle proceeds go to
NANFA. With our raffles, you now choose the prize you'd like to win! (No
more grab bags of stuff you can't use). Some of the prizes we plan to
bring include:

* AquaClear 200 filter

* Python (!!)

* Ego-Jager heater

* Hydro Sponge filters

* Marine Grab Bag including a $25 gift certificate to The Marine Scene

* Huge Goldfish Grab Big

* Enormous Small Fish Grab bag
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