RE: NANFA-- Fish & Turtles / separate feeding bins?

Hoover, Jan J WES (
Thu, 4 May 2000 14:10:24 -0500

>>>Separate feeding containers are a great idea.
Another method might be to keep fish with the turtles. I stumbled upon this
idea years ago when some goldfish origionally intended as feeders for a
group of Mississippi Mud turtles and a Stinkpot survived and ended up
coexisting peacefully with them. The fish then grew quite big feeding off
the scraps of Reptomin and other foods. This helped keep the setup clean.
Strange to note that while any new fish were subject to be eaten, the
survivors were never molested. It was as if they had been accepted as
coinhabitants by the turtles.<<<

Craig Phillips, collector/curator for the Miami Seaquarium, reports
something similar in his book "The Captive Sea:" mollies coexisting with
piranhas. New mollies were eaten but the original feeders were left

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