Re: NANFA-- Bite, Sting...? Collecting near Columbus, OH

Mark (
Sat, 26 May 2001 13:35:06 -0400

At 1:15 PM -0400 5/26/01, wrote:
> That bite sounds like some kind of a water spider bite. There are many
>different species of "water spiders" that will give you one heck of a bite,
>and they would crawl up a seine pole like that, as well. Thats not to say it
>was a spider for sure, I'm just judging it on my experience with insect and
>spider bites. Hope it didn't hurt too much, some of the water "bugs" can
>really draw blood (ex. giant water beetles)
> ___Dan Marshall, MI

Now, that's an interesting idea. Are these actual spiders (arachnids) or
some other kind of arthropods? I've had worse stings from bees and madtoms.

Columbus Ohio USA <))><

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