Re: NANFA-- Divers Discover Zebra Mussel Die-off

Tom Watson (
Fri, 31 May 2002 19:11:12 -0700

The April 13th issue of Science News had an article about exotics hitching
rides in the balast water of ships and new methods of iradicating them. I
found it interesting that when a ship purges it's ballast tanks it can still
retain as much as 150 tons of water and mud. Some new techniques include
adding vitamin K and ozone to the water.

If anyone wants to read the article, let me know off-line and I'll PDF it.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Haas" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 7:55 AM
Subject: NANFA-- Divers Discover Zebra Mussel Die-off

> Another oldie
> Issued by DNR's La Crosse office, Oct. 10, 2001
> "Divers Discover Zebra Mussel Die-off"
> High water temperatures are suspected to be the cause of massive zebra
> mussel die-offs in the Mississippi
> <>
> *****
> Travis Haas
> Hazel Green, WI

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