Re: NANFA-- Black Hets./Black Mollies

Mysteryman (
Fri, 14 May 2004 21:57:22 -0700

> Anybody know when the Black Molly was developed? I know Innes
> mentions it long ago.

The so called "Permablacks," the first solidly all-black mollies, seem
to have hit the mass-market around 1935 or 1936. That included the Black
Sailfins. They surely appeared a little bit before that, but not too
much earlier.

Isn't it odd how so many fish once well-developed and common have nearly
all disappeared today?
Black Sailfins, Liberty Mollies, Hi-fin Platies, Libby Bettas with tails
twice as long as their bodies... where did they go?

One of the most awesome fish I ever owned was a Liberty/Sailfin cross,
all black except for the orange stripe across the top of the dorsal
sailfin, and HUGE... man, 1973 was a long time ago...
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