NANFA-- Away from email during vacation

Sajjad Lateef (
Fri, 21 Nov 2003 12:14:11 -0800 (PST)

To avoid my mailbox from filling up during my vacation,
I am temporarily signing off NANFA's mailing list.
I will rejoin when I get back from vacation (approx

Also, this message is to inform any one who may try to
contact me off-list, that I will not be around to reply.

Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas to you all.

I am off to the land of spices and if I do anything
related to fish, I'll write up a trip report with
pictures for you guys.



Sajjad Lateef   e-mail: 
Note: Any e-mail to me with my first name in Subject  or
without a subject line is automatically filtered out 
and discarded as  s p a m .
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