Re: NANFA-- Natives should get TV exposure
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 15:44:35 EDT

In a message dated 9/14/00 1:38:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< By that logic, the Colorado River is better off today than when it was a
turbid "mess" filled with "trash" fish such as humpback chub and razorback
You are right Chris, we have all been taught to assume that clear equals
clean and that fish that have no human use are trash fish. I am sure we would
be amazed at what would be swimming around in streams 500 years ago. I'm
willing to bet many streams that today are considered warm water streams
would be cool water trout type streams if the forest cover was returned and
siltation reversed to the levels of 500 years ago. I know that 500 years ago
the beaches of the North east USA were covered by walruses and other sea
mammals completely unknown in those areas today and can you imagine the
thousands of seaturtles coming ashore 500 years ago to lay their eggs? I
really like the idea of a realistic recreation of the ecosystem of 500 years


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