DVD hold more data than CD (up to approx 3GB CD only hold up to 750MB).
A lot of new machines coming out have DVD drive that read CD also.
(strangely enough, mostly I see those on laptops, not desktops).
slowly but surely, DVD will kill CD.
DVD burners are supposedly going to be available this fall for around $500.
But, at this point in time, for the majority of PC's, the format should be
In 3 or 4 years, DVD may be the overwhelming choice, but not yet......
as to the copyright issue - it's the data (be it music or whatever) that
can be copyrighted. The CD or DVD can be copied regardless of the
copyright - perhaps not LEGALLY copied but there aren't many (if any)
technical issues to the copying of the discs.
Russell McGraw
Palmer & Cay
Systems Specialist
Email Russell_McGraw_at_palmercay.com
Phone (912) 231-6803
Fax (912) 234-3024
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