Hate to sound redundant, but, did you go over the main, the BIG, the
really TALL, NIAGARA Falls and survived? You gotta be kidding me!
Those guys who went over the Falls in a barrel have all died.
On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 Prizma_at_aol.com wrote:
> << Going over the Horseshoe Falls? Ok Evel Kneivel, what's next? Snorkelling
> with river dolphins in the Ganges River?
> Ed
> Tokyo Japan >>
> NO NO... i didnt intentionaly go over. i definitly would never dare the devil
> as a real daredevil. i just got caught up in my darter viewing activities and
> was swept downstream past the tourists and park rangers. if i had intended to
> go over i would have done some advance prep work... such as wrapping my body
> w/ a multitude of those little yellow bathtub rubber ducks and a roll of duck
> tape. obviously better safe than sorry.
> i did a couple interviews today... im feeling better but still a bit creaky
> in the bones.
> casper...
> btw... isnt the ganges in india? river dolpins... hmmm....
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-- Sajjad Lateef email: sajjad <at> acm.org Chicago, IL web: http://www.lateef.org/sajjad/
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