Re: NANFA-- Creek Chub Removal

Todd Crail (
Tue, 9 Sep 2003 13:38:47 -0400


I'm not sure how large this pond is, and if they've gotten a brood off or
not. But what I'd do is get some tiny hooks and angle them out. Creek
chubs are voracious greedy fish with large mouths for minners. You should
be able to remove everyone with a concerted effort over the course of a
couple weeks. I'd be suprised at that size if they weren't making a feast
out of the SRBD already.

We used to catch them like this as kids to get bait for crappie, bass and
catfish, before any of us knew about nets and whatnot. It works pretty
well. Just use tiny pieces of worm, bread or some lunch meat as bait. If
they get shy about it, just feed them the same foods for a week without the
hooks and they'll not think a moment about slamming a piece on the hook when
you switch it in.

Hope this helps...

> Completely different topic: How do I get the Creek Chubs outa my pond
> without drying it up? These guys are really fast and the pond is well
> planted. They came within the SRBD and now have reached some 15 cm which
> makes me concerned for the next spring and breeding season. This year they
> didn4t bother the SRBD but next year they will presumably reach 20 + cm
> might prey on the fry and on the newts, or don4t they at all?
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