Re: NANFA-L-- Flagfish
Thu, 10 Nov 2005 17:25:41 EST

baby flagfish were one of my recent pleasant suprises. while cleaning a
planted outdoor 55 tank occupied by 4 adult flagfish i found 3 little 1/2" fellas
at the tanks bottom. i moved the 4 adults back into my indoor florida 55 and
the 3 babies i moved to a heavily planted 7 gallon glass jug. adults offer a
lot of activity and the males are splendidly colored. i believe they really
keep the algae down because last spring when i moved them from inside to
outside their former tank had a proliferation of algae right after they left. it
took awhile for it to get back in balance.
2 summers ago geeoff brought me these flagfish. i put several into the
cement pond. they were a blast to watch while snorkeling. very active, displaying
and chasing each other about. not too secretive but always-in-the edge of
dense vegatation. unfortunatly they did not survive the tennessee winter temps
in the pool. i reckon that is why they are only found in s florida.
cool fish... they act a lot like sunfish.

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