Re: NANFA-- NANFA-Re:population control-The O'Neill Equation

Bruce Stallsmith (
Thu, 03 Apr 2003 10:53:32 -0500

Hi Joe, we'll be doing at least one scouting trip to some field trip
locations probably at the end of the month (is that OK with you, Casper?).
I'll try to post it with some reasonable advance warning. These would be
trips around Madison, Jackson and/or DeKalb counties.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>From: "JHolmes" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-- NANFA-Re:population control-The O'Neill Equation
>Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 09:08:32 -0600
>interested in both and will contact- found out about the convention
>yesterday and was going to look into the dates.
>Thanks for the information.
>(sorry, it's Joe- this is my e-mail where I teach so I just use initial to
>bug the snot out of the kids)
>Any info available on the activity other than the convention?
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