Re: NANFA-- RE: Wandering Crawfish
Wed, 14 Apr 2004 01:55:44 EDT

In a message dated 4/13/04 8:26:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> BTW, I've never heard of a blue P. clarkii before. Never seen em either.
> Only red. Once, I thoughjt I had some, but they molted and the colors
> gradually faded away. Perhaps dyed?
> /
I'm not sure of the species but in Florida they have succeeded in breeding a
blue crayfish. It's the same species that is common in my area as well. I did
catch on of those Cajun crayfish here last summer. They were introduced from
crayfish farms, it was bright red! I have seen wild crayfish around here that
were very close to being blue, no doubt where the Florida ones came from.

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