NANFA-- do fish get goiters?

geoff (
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 07:15:10 -0500

I have 3 fish with a large pink mass that is gorwing larger over time. the
mass is in the chamber along with the gills, which causes the gill plates to
flare out.

2 of the fish are mummichogs I caught in saltwater on tybee island GA and the
third is a bluefin killie I got fom Doug Dame. the mummi's are in the same
tank and the bluefin is in another tank.

I have seen this sort of thing before, years ago in a cichlid, but I have no
real idea what it is. The fish do not seem to be bothered by it much.

Does anyone know what this is? Anything to do about it?

Geoff Kimber
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