Re: NANFA-- More of a trip report than a collection...

Irate Mormon (
Sun, 28 Jul 2002 15:48:31 -0500

On 28 Jul 2002 at 23:04, wrote:

>> which is monitored w/ security devices ). i hope he does soon
before the
> beast gets much larger. it will take someone with a lot of gumption to jump
> in the pool and wrangle him out. i plan on having my camera ready.

This reminds me of a trip I made a few years ago. Y'all who attended
NANFA 2000 will remember the almost-dried-up creek that we visited
right after the fossil site. Well, at times this creek is so deep
you can't really collect in it. But this particular time is was very
nice - knee deep in most with some good pools and lost of shallow
riffles. I was taking a friend from work with me, and I espied a gar
in the shallow water. It was a spotted gar, about a foot long.
Without too much trouble I scooped him up in my arms and presented
him to my friend for inspection. He was duly impressed. I decided
to release the fish a bit downstream, where there was a nice deep
pool which held 1000's of chrysocephalus. It was not a very large
pool, maybe a dozen feet across, and as I directed my gaze about the
pool I observed several torpedo shapes hovering just at the water's
surface, all 1-2 feet in length. It was a whole nest of spotted gar!
They would glide away when I approached them, but if I was careful I
could catch them without any fuss.

So, in a nutshell Casper, your pictures are not likely to be terribly
engaging :-) Here's RB wading into the water, here's the fish in his
arms, here's the fish in the cooler. Can you stand the excitement?
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