Re: NANFA-- Re: nanfa V1 #1990, now blah blah

Irate Mormon (
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 21:38:19 -0500

Quoting Stan Perkins <>:

> I don't understand what brought on this wonderful thread. I thought that
> Steffen's remarks were well within the 'normal' limits of this group. After
> all what other group goes from discussing court cases to native darters. But
> these vitrifying messages are downers. CHILL!

A lot of people are not comfortable having their beliefs scrutinized or
challenged. When I think I am engaging in a friendly debate, it oftentimes
turns out that the other person thinks I am trying to put them down. So they go

Recommended reading: "They'd Rather Be Right" by Mark Clifton and Frank Riley (I
hope I got the authors right). It's a good read if your into SF, but there's a
lot of truth there too.
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