Re: Speaking of Public Aquariums... Was "Re: NANFA-- Newport Aquarium"

Fri, 6 Oct 2000 11:22:42 -0500

I will give the Shedd a plus on this. They had a display of hatchery trout
and it did mention the fact that they are not native to Lake Michigan and
the impact they have had. Even if the tank was poorly decorated and
overstocked, the message was a good one.


The Tennessee Aquarium last spring was excellent, with one bugaboo to my
mind; their trout exhibit, a centerpiece, was full of bloated exotic trout
like browns and rainbows lolling around in the bottom of their trout pools.
These fish aren't native to the Appalachians, so the purist in me has great
difficulty in accepting their display without any comment on their exotic

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL

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