Re: NANFA--Minnow Trap Advice

Jeffrey Fullerton (
Thu, 25 Jan 2001 18:44:14 -0500

> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 18:17:01 -0500
> From: "Bruce Stallsmith"
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Minnow trap advice
> With minnow traps, you do whatever works in your experience. Sometimes a
> brick in the trap would help to anchor it in a position; sometimes you might
> alternatively want to put some kind of floatation device in the trap to hold
> it at the surface (like for true topminnows)

If you want a sinking trap get a metal one. Use a plastic trap that
floats to catch fishes near the surface. Funny though , I usually have
poor luck with Fundulus. But small sunfishes are usually suckers for
traps. They apparently enter out of curiosity. Same for many fishes
including mudminnows and madtoms that frequently enter unbaited metal
traps when I set them in my pond to sample the populations.

Could be something about the metal that attracts fish.


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